Dip Transform ??? to scan an object 23 June, 2017Capture, IKEA, ScanningMartin Dip Transform ??? to scan an object! Looking forward to see more new ideas at Siggraph!
“Merged Reality” by Intel 6 November, 2016Augmented Reality, HMD, Scanning, Tracking, VRMartin “Merged Reality” by Intel…how many realities can their be 😉 Link to long article about it!
This is soo cool…Lytro Cinema 15 April, 20163D, Camera, Capture, ScanningMartin Link to article Lytro Cinema link
Smartphone “camera only” 3D scanning at 25hz…from Microsoft 25 August, 20153D, ScanningMartin Mashable link to article
Intel & Google Collaborating in VR/AR 24 August, 2015AR, Camera, Scanning, VRMartin Google Tango use Intel Realsense camera…. Read about it here 56.781633112.6286975
So cool…scanning in difficul conditions… 23 August, 2015Camera, Innovation, Input, Light, ScanningMartin 56.781687112.6286265
This is a year old but still cool …light transport analysis! 9 July, 2015Input, Light, No Category, ScanningMartin