New Ben-Hur movie use 360 video to promote the release…looks cool! 13 August, 2016360, Film, VideoMartin Run it in the YouTube app to see it 😉 Here is an unwarped version…
Beautiful marble music machine…I wonder if… 6 March, 2016Animation, Film, MusicMartin ….they where inspired by this “old” animation from animusic “pipe dream” 56.781599312.6286531
Looking forward to see the clouds in this! 12 November, 2015Animation, Film, Humor, RenderingMartin 56.781741112.6288334
ILMxLab isn’t just exploring the future of entertainment… they’re already making it 20 August, 20153D, AR, Camera, Film, Game, Input, Movie, Realtime, VRMartin 56.781928712.6287458
Oculus Story Studio Releases New VR Short ‘Henry’ 1 August, 2015Film, HMD, VRMartin Link to article here…. Link to Vimeo movie here 56.781595412.6286731
Second-Biggest Animated Opening of All-Time 13 July, 2015Animation, Film, MovieMartin Article here…. 56.781745512.6285548
film shot In 360 degrees for VR viewing 10 July, 2015360, Film, VRMartin Link to article 56.784484312.631497