A buss that will take you to Mars….I would love to try it out! (Game engine+ScreenWindows+Buss) 27 August, 2016Engine, Game, Innovation, Motion, Realtime, Rendering, Sound, VRMartin
UE4 VR editor at GDC…I must test this ;-) 26 March, 2016Editor, Engine, Game, HMD, No Category, VRMartin
Amazon makes game engine Lumberyard based on CryEngine open source! 9 February, 2016Engine, Game, No CategoryMartin Link here
Using your eye gaze to optimize rendering….so cool and needed to get higher render resolution where it’s needed! 15 January, 20163D, Engine, HMD, Input, Motion, No Category, RealtimeMartin Link to article about it
real-time ray tracing on a tiny power budget….so needed for the future! 14 January, 2016Engine, No Category, Realtime, RenderingMartin Link to article